Do you want to remove Yoast SEO admin columns from your posts, pages, and other post types?
Well, most of the time I don’t use these stats to evaluate my website and would like to keep my admin area clean as much as possible.
Many users also find it irritating as it shrinks down the other important information because of extra columns.
If you are one of them, then you can use the below code to remove Yoast SEO admin columns from the admin area.
* Remove Yoast SEO Columns From Admin Area
function maverick_remove_yoast_seo_admin_columns( $columns ) {
/* remove the Yoast SEO columns */
unset( $columns['wpseo-score'] );
unset( $columns['wpseo-title'] );
unset( $columns['wpseo-metadesc'] );
unset( $columns['wpseo-focuskw'] );
unset( $columns['wpseo-score-readability'] );
unset( $columns['wpseo-links'] );
return $columns;
/* remove from posts */
add_filter ( 'manage_edit-post_columns', 'maverick_remove_yoast_seo_admin_columns' );
/* remove from pages */
add_filter ( 'manage_edit-page_columns', 'maverick_remove_yoast_seo_admin_columns' );
/* remove from woocommerce product post type */
add_filter ( 'manage_edit-product_columns', 'maverick_remove_yoast_seo_admin_columns' );
* can remove from custom post types too
* add_filter ( 'manage_edit-{custom_post_type}_columns', 'maverick_remove_yoast_seo_admin_columns' );
If you’d like to keep some of the Yoast SEO columns, you can remove them from the above code. For example, if you like to keep the Yoast SEO title, you need to remove the below line from the above code.
unset( $columns['wpseo-title'] );